A Comparison of Brighter Vision, TherapySites and My Digital Maven
Here’s the deal, I used to recommend Brighter Vision to therapists. A lot! People would ask me who designed my first business website because they wanted to hire that person, and were disappointed once I told them I did it all myself with SquareSpace…

Is Your Private Practice Website Missing This Vital SEO Info?
I spent a few days recently doing local SEO research for a counseling practice. Part of this research includes checking out “the competition” and seeing what other therapists in the area have to offer. Time and again I noticed that therapists were making a critical mistake. They were actually making it harder for clients to find them!

SquareSpace for Therapist Websites: What We Recommend
I was THAT person… the one who messed up settings on the projector, the computer, the kitchen timer, basically anything that was technical or electronic. But now I run a web design business, help therapists with SEO, and manage about a dozen websites. If I can do it, YOU CAN, TOO.